Rihanna X Chiddy Bang
The Rolling Stones Magazine knows it – I know it and now, you know it!
There’s a lot of new music out this month. E.g. the new Rihanna Album, which name nobody know yet (exapt thousands of people around Rihanna themselfes). Nevertheless the first unofficial single is out in web. It’s called “talk that talk” and features nobody else than the big J . Shawn Corey Carter a.k.a. Jay-Z, founder an d C.E.O. of Rockafella Records, now president of def jam made it happen once again.
I have to say thank you J for not approving another pop-electro-release!
Apropos not pop-electro, there is a new album coming out by chiddy bang. Rolling Stones shows the name “breakfast” – I mean WOW, doesn’t it express everything that’s needed?
Back to track, the first official release is a song called ray charles. Yes the world famous Raymond Charles Robinson, who was a true genius! I actually downloaded the song from itunes. I need to say: It is again music that got me. Good stories, nice bass, amazing melodies, which not sound like “copy/paste” as so many other do…
Yours Grec
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