Scratch Juggle @ P1
Here it is – the prove that I can dj – what you can see here is, a short-cut, literally, due to the warm up @ Club P1 for ∆ Menage.
Repeat after me – every thrusday!!!
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P1 ∆ the Mènage Mixtape ∆
∆P1∆Mixtape∆VDJ Grec Nice∆2012∆ by DjGrecNice
You know, what time it is?
Hell yeah, it’s party time!
VDJ Grec Nice did it for P1 – Mixtape Mixtape – LISTEN – DOWNLOAD – GET YOUR COPY NEXT THURSDAY @ P1 MUNICH!!!
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Doin’it @ Crux (Munich)
Jajaja, ich weiß, es ist Zeit geworden. Ich gebs ja zu, München kann einiges, Crux kann einiges…
We are doin’it
You are doin’it
Smaul is doin’it
Milena is doin’it
Lil’Kim is doin’it
DJ Nuke is doin’it
VDJ Grec Nice is doin’it
LL Cool J is doin’it
Rick James is doin’it
Charlie Sheen is doin’it
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